What are your preexisting conditions?
Ann Kirschner recently wrote:
“If the COVID vaccine arrived tomorrow (and may it be so), it would already be too late for some colleges and universities. Like humans with preexisting conditions, their underlying vulnerability may be financial, structural, or strategic. Failures of leadership and vision are slower killers but in the end, a lack of ideas can be just as debilitating as a weak balance sheet.”
We can extend the metaphor by asking some additional questions about preexisting health. How is your organization’s:
cardio health? (eg, How long can you run hard?)
immune system? (eg, How prepared are you to fight off illnesses?)
metabolic rate? (eg, How long does it take you to integrate change?)
Moving into the Next Normal and the Future Normal means that you should be preparing for a marathon, not a sprint. How are you improving your organizational health to run that marathon?
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