What if... rowing in the same direction?

In The Advantage, Patrick Lencioni writes, “The single greatest advantage any company can achieve is organizational health. […] An organization has integrity—is healthy—when it is whole, consistent, and complete, that is, when its management, operations, strategy, and culture fit together and make sense.”

Or, as he puts it more plainly in his most famous book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, “If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time.”


What if everyone in your organization were fully aligned around your Mission (purpose), Vision (your destination), and Culture (“the way we do things around here is…”)?

And what if everyone in your organization were fully aware of their preferred approach to the work and the posture of all their colleagues?

What element is missing?

What is getting in the way?


Each Wednesday we share a “what if” scenario. Consider it a provocation rather than a suggestion.


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Christian Talbot