What if... boss levels for everyone?
Dr. Tricia Callender, Founder & CEO of Spanner Strategies, provides feedback during the CEO panel—the “Boss Level”—of a recent Expedition.
What if school were an experience where students could face regular “Boss Level” challenges?
We often tell people that the Expeditionaries CEO panel is like the opposite of “Shark Tank.” The executives don’t pick winners or losers; they don’t tear anyone down. They validate what is good about the students’ work, ask hard questions to probe for learning, and provide advice about persevering or pivoting. [1]
What would have to be true about your school for students to access “Boss Level” experiences on a regular basis? [2]
[1] In other words, the Expeditionaries “Boss Level” is all about growth that can’t be faked (by guessing correctly on a multiple choice quiz, by pretending to have done the reading by quoting a page near the end, or the many other ways in which students can play the game of school without ever facing an authentic “Boss Level” challenge.)
A “Boss Level” is defined by:
The authenticity of the problem sutdents are facing.
The authenticity of the solution students have designed.
The authenticity—and expertise—of the people evaluating the students’ performance of learning.
The opportunity to make immediate use of the evaluators’ feedback to continue learning deeply and authentically about the problem-solution set.
[2] Just a few spots left for Expeditionaries x MLK Jr Day Weekend.
Each Wednesday we share a “what if” scenario. Consider it a provocation rather than a suggestion.
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