A favor
Harold Jarche’s schema for how we can design communities of learning within our organizations, across organizations, and throughout networks. (source: jarche.com)
The Ed:Future blog is part of a global community of learning. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, we try to contribute something meaningful to that community’s dialogue about the future of learning.
To do this, we follow Harold Jarche’s “working and learning out loud” schema (see graphic above): we read across domains, from education to organizational management to the history of science and beyond; and we seek conversations with other educators, leaders—and especially with our readers.
So naturally we are curious:
Who is the one person you know who might benefit from reading Ed:Future? Bonus points if that person likes to engage in dialogue about what she reads.
Which leads to our favor:
Would you share with that person this sign up link, or perhaps forward a recent Ed:Future post that you found noteworthy?
If Ed:Future reaches more people, that also means that more people are reaching Ed:Future. And when that happens, we can all contribute to the virtuous flow of “working and learning out loud.”
Thank you, as always, for reading and for helping to create an optimistic future through education.
Christian Talbot & the Basecamp School Team
p.s.: Reminder that Ed:Future is and always will be free; we do not have paying sponsors; and we never use our subscribers’ information for anything other than to send Ed:Future posts.