The Pink Panther Solution
Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash
Earlier this week I spoke to Gary Wise, who has been a Learning & Development (L&D) leader for multiple Fortune 500 companies.
I asked him, "What is the biggest gap you see between students coming out of college and entering a corporate world in which they're going to have to continue to learn?"
Gary chuckled, then said, "Do you remember the Pink Panther? Remember Inspector Clouseau? Too many people are like that--they think they know what they're doing, but they have never really learned real detective work."
He said that in a rapidly changing business environment, organizations needs people who:
say, "Let's dig a little deeper"
question everything
understand and apply the concept of root cause analysis (e.g., using The 5 Why's to understand a problem)
Which leads me to wonder...
Are we forming learners to get faster answers, or to think of better questions first?
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