What if... "ambush learning"?
Photo by James Pond on Unsplash
What if all playthings were designed for ambush learning* opportunities?
What if play and playthings designed for ambush learning became a mainstream part of every classroom beyond kindergarten?
--Katia Teran, Product Manager, littleBits
*"Ambush learning" takes place when kids are so engaged by a fun activity that they fail to recognize in real time that they are partaking in multidisciplinary learning.
This is a special "What if..." week at Ed:Future. Instead of the usual Tuesday & Thursday posts, with "What if..." reserved only for Wednesday, this week we are doing three straight days of "What if's." These are not suggestions as much as provocations.
If you have a "what if" scenario you would like to share, just send an email (and indicate whether you would like it attributed it to you).
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