Future of Learning Top Reads for week of Dec 10 2018

“Why we need to make lifelong learning a national imperative,” by Mark Warner & Penny Pritzker, in Fast Company

“Gone are the days when you can learn one skill that sets you up for life. Today, new technology is regularly introduced in every industry and workers have to learn how to use it in order to do their day-to-day jobs. This means that an increasing portion of the workforce will need technology and digital skills–ranging from basic digital literacy to advanced computer science. As technology changes, they will have to adapt–which requires them to update their knowledge and learn new skills. In many cases, workers will probably have to do this multiple times over a lifetime in the workforce.”

Why does this matter ot the future of learning?

Since this is true, how does your school prepare students to adapt to the unknown?


“Hope, Agency, Mastery, And Other Terms Educators Are Redefining,” by Anya Kamenetz, on NPR

“Zone of proximal development: A concept first introduced by developmental psychologist Lev Vygotsky in the early decades of the 20th century. Broadly speaking, the idea is that learners make the most efficient progress when they work on problems that are not too hard and not too easy. It’s more difficult to keep each student in the “zone” in a one-to-many classroom.”

Why does this matter to the future of learning?

Kamenetz, one of the most helpful education writers out there, has provided a glossary of future-of-learning terms, including:

  • Autonomy

  • Mastery

  • Purpose

  • Competency-based

  • Differentiated

  • Hope

  • Interest-drive

  • Mastery-based

  • Proficiency-based

  • Project-based

  • Self-efficacy

  • Zone of Proximal Development


“Get Dumb and Grow Rich,” by Michael S. Hopkins, in Inc.

“Our educational experience consists of three great lies.

“Lie number one is, It’s better to say, ‘I know’ than to say, ‘I don’t know.’

“Lie number two: It’s better to answer a question than ask a question.

“Lie number three: It’s better to worship at the foot of success than understand the nature of failure.

“Those three lies have screwed our society, and it’s by overcoming one at a time—or two at a time or all three—that you can make some breakthroughs in your creative activities.”

Why does this matter to the future of learning?

I originally saw this quote from Richard Wurman retweeted by John Maeda, former President of Rhode Island School of Design.

Does your school perpetuate or confront these three lies?


Question of the week:

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Christian Talbot