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What if... Third Teacher?

What if we were to assess schools according to their physical space and potential to inspire creativity instead of judging them by student performance?

What if we valued the education of ALL students and not just those of economic means by adopting “Third Teacher” (1) principles?


(1) Dr. Loris Malaguzzi, one of the educators behind the Reggio movement, said that every child has three teachers: her adult teacher; her peers; and her physical environment. The Third Teacher is a brilliant design manual that converts this philosophy into a series of design principles.


This week’s “What if…” is brought to us by Katie Culver, an urban educator working for a college access nonprofit, who says:

“I spend time in schools where not only is a creative, innovative curriculum lacking, but the physical space is appalling and the emotional space threatening—halting any creativity or innovation. The physical space sends the message to survive instead of thrive and the emotional space says put your head down, stay in your lane and definitely don’t take any risks. The educational space is anything but inspirational. The term ‘marginalized’ takes on a deeper meaning in my schools, and I don’t have to tell you that most of the students in these schools are black and poor. What if we demanded that education be equitable?”


Each Wednesday we share a “what if” scenario. Consider it a provocation rather than a suggestion.


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