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In an age of accelerating change, attention is our most valuable resource.

At the same time, great reading has the power to take our thinking to places we could never otherwise have gone.

So as we approach the end of 2019, I’d like to recommend that you invest your attention in the following texts that have the power to help you think differently about the future of learning.

Wishing you the best for 2020—

Christian Talbot


  1. Loonshots, by Safi Bacall. Because the future of learning will require schools to reimagine their structure if they want a shot at sustainable innovation.

  2. How to Be Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi. Because the future of learning means that it is not enough to avoid racist behaviors; schools need people who are actively antiracist.

  3. The Art of Gathering, by Priya Parker. Because the future of learning will depend upon how we design for deeply human connections.

In addition, below are the three most popular Ed: Future blog posts from 2019. We hope you find them useful provocations for thinking about the future of learning. (Click the images to read the blog posts.)

“Minimum Viable Curriculum”

“What if you had to prove learning without tests and quizzes?”

“Crash Pads, not Training Wheels”


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